Garden of Contemplation

Hello, internet, its Aimee again with my second blog.

We’ve finally begun projects which I was like. Super excited to start from the beginning so hey, there’s a perk. For now my project goal is to try and do a half hour mini-film, something hand animated and possibly full color but in my head black and white would also work. It’s going to follow a detective who starts out sort of green behind the ears, eager to do work through his transformation into something sinister and jaded (via stress on the mind and the taxing process of catching a killer. Or in this case, several.) I want to do significant research on how stress affects the human brain and other stuff- other disorders, situations and what makes a criminal do what they do. Other things, too, like the process of how they go through processing a crime, how they pick it apart and reconstruct it into something they can actually read to say oh, look, these people could be suspects.

Everyone also went to the Human Rights Museum, which was neat. They had exhibits on things like the holocaust and residential schools in Manitoba/around Canada. There were even a few exhibits on gender identity/sexuality equality and rights which were really interesting. The museum was totally unbiased, the only thing that was presented was facts and that is really important when it comes to history. Everything is so easily distorted by opinion and bias, it’s cool to see something that doesn’t roll like that.

I’m looking forward to really getting into projects so hopefully we can crack down on that soon, I’m super eager to really get into building the world my animation will reside in. Hopefully the next time I update I’ll have some concept art to show you!


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